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Saturday, 11 June 2011

Bondla brings The Magic of Monsoonal Trekking Back

Been a few months now, as with other avid trekkers, we yearned for trekking in the rains when nature is at its best and the call to the great outdoors is very refreshing. What better than when three of the elements of nature - Earth, Wind and Water intoxicates the senses, and the Fiery Heat melts down to our relief.

Its almost been a week, but the memories of Communing with Nature, while celebrating World Environment Day in its wake at Bondla Wildlife Sanctuary was an unforgettable experience.

The Goa Hiking Association - organised trek which was restricted to those who attended the National Himalayan Expedition organised by them, to my surprise and disappointment elicited not too encouraging a response with only around 30 of the expected 60 odd (there were roughly 100 trekkers who attended the Himalayan Expedition) turning up. The weather may have seen the Rain Gods showering their blessings from the early hours of the day and the few days earlier cancellation of the certificate distribution for the Himalayan trekkers on the particular trek, may have made the others decide otherwise. If this be the case, it is really appalling to say the least. The 'Love of God' that we trekkers realize in 'Mother Nature', this was a blasphemy.  I still am chagrined by these so-called trekkers, most of whom I am sure came up North of the country, not to trek really, but to sight-see and say wow we experienced snow.So disgusting. Sheeeesh.

Going back to the trek held on Sunday, June 5,  the overcast conditions as I left home at quarter-to- nine that morn, was  a foreboding of an ideal monsoonal experience. It was a matter of minutes that thewalker found  strides of this fast walker had him reach the Mabai Hotel, Margao pick-up point. In time, few other trekkers came and we all eagerly waited for our bus that was coming from the other side of the State and picking up cheerful trekkers along the way. At 9.30 our bus came, and the few of us boarded the bus to enthusiastic greetings . We made another stop at Ponda to pick up a few more passengers, before we were finally dropped off at Usgao Tisk.

After a breakfast at one of the restaurants near to where our bus halted, our trek began along the asphalted road towards Bondla Wildlife Sanctuary. The rains began to build up as we walked up the road, and the umbrellas opened and the jackets were zipped up. Along the way, we asked the villagers, who directed us along the right path. I was up front with my trek pal, Chandresh Revankar and we were told in the course of the trek to take the middle path as the road forked into three (reminds me of a certain story, where three friends took different paths on a forked road that determined their destiny). Moving along, and in time, we sighted a lovely mountain at the distance that looked mystic and mysterious in the misty air. We were up ahead, with a few other guys who took in this wonderful sight with awe and admiration while the others gradually caught up with us.

With our trek leader catching up with us, our trek eventually resulted in a diversion to the left, off road and into the wild. We steadily made our ascent up a slope that wound its way up and further up as the rains began to measure up and throw up a challenge to us, not quite daunting but challenging nonetheless. At a particular point it became quite risky as the path was narrow and a false step could lead to our peril. The girl a little up ahead stumbled slightly that had me a bit worried about her and self, and take a little more cautious approach. Until then, I was contemplating on taking a picture of the the challenges posed by the treacherous terrain. While we moved up and away from there, safety wise things may have improved but we were now dodging murky, accumulated rain waters by stepping across protruding, larger stones as we could find. But eventually, we had to squelch our foot-wear across the muddy waters. Yuck, the muck, but what the heck !!

The few kilometres stretch of the trek may have not been tiring but a little challenging and a tad risky, but it did give us an opportunity to behold upon the sights and sounds that Mother Nature had to offer us.

                                                    The Kulio-Catcher :P

                                               Romancing Milipedes :)

                                           And the actual trekking begins !!

                                    The sweet Girisha leading the way ....

                           The ever-cheerful Meg leading her pack. I luv her verve :)

                                   Yes, I love to pose alongside trees :D

                                           Isn't that tree a beauty ? 

                                               Making their ascent 

                                     Taking a chill pill on a tree branch :)

                                 The rains pouring down in all its might .... 

                          That smile would warm the cockles of any heart in this dreary weather :P

                A super-enthu trekker, Anoop, who braved the rains or may be he was water-proof :0 


  1. By looking at these photos I remembered 'SHAKTIMAAN' serial.
    Basil- Adventurous as always.
    Is that the another way to go to zoo or this is something else?

  2. yea, I used to watch 'SHAKIMAAN' too - our desi version of SUPERMAN :P And of course, am quite the adventurist, and have faced much sterner challenges. Shall eventually post up such flashback experiences too. Thanks for the indirect encouragement on that :)
    Well, as we were basically on a fellowship trek of these who were on the recent GHA - organised Himalayan Expedition, we had an easy level trek. And this is ideal at Bondla, where you can picnic as well in the lovely garden there, which we did after the zoo visit. Yes, our trek led to the zoo eventually. This in fact, will be Part II of my Bondla Outing last Sunday to be posted soon. Happy Following !!

  3. Bullet at his best :-) Viva!!

  4. Thanks Rohan 'Exotic Goan' Lobo :)Viva !!

  5. Basil.. this is an amazing trip you portrayed so well on this blog..

  6. thx Milu. am hoping to get well soon, n get to my best at trekking. missing out on a few already ):
